Death note

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Spectator mode and Varus patch preview

First of all I want to apologize everyone for my inactivity. I've been having exams and I could not make posts.

Spectator mode

Probably the best feature that came out for a long time of League of Legends. Why? Because you can spectate your friends games, custom games or the featured games, that are the games from the pros from LoL. But yes, that has a 3minute delay so you can't cheat the games by telling your friend where the opponent team jungler is or if he's gonna get ganked by mid etc.
It has some cool stuff like the directed camera.
If you want to know more about it you should watch the video up there.

Magic resist per lvl for the support champions. I really like this one, because usually only armor is added in lvls, but now supports can be more competitive with mres, since they tank the damage of the ad carry and all the camps that get this buff, Alistar, Amumu, Leona, Nunu and Taric, all tanky support champs who need to get close to do they cc.
Master Yi got his ultimate buffed, kinda balanced I guess.
Ryze had only one item build that he could do to be viable, and it was ok I guess. They nerfed his q and w, his main source of damage. Now ulti doesnt have bonus mana, but gives you bonus movement speed, what is great for a champ like Ryze. Looks like he will be more vieable doing ability power instead of a tanky build.
Ability power iteams will be changed, Deathfire Grasp will have now Blasting Wand and will give more damage, Morello's Evil Tome will have Kage's Lucky Pick and and Will of the Ancients will have Blasting Wand too.

Many more posts to come!

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